RE: Duplicating film
Mac Cosgrove-Davies (
Tue, 19 Mar 1996 17:20:59 +0000 (GMT)
If you are looking for a direct positive film, Kodak's SO-339
("SO" = "special order") is available in 4"x5" and 8"x10". I
have not used it myself (several of my students have), so I
will leave the technical evaluation (of SO-339 itself, and of
the direct positive approach compared to the interneg option)
to someone more qualified.
In leafing through a Freestyle Catalogue, though, I noticed a
direct positive film which is considerably less expensive than
SO-339. The folks at the Kodak Technical Help Line
(1-800-242-2424) guessed that Freestyle has cut into sheets an
aerial film which comes in long rolls. I don't have the
details here, but I can get them if you like. You may want to
consider this option.
Mac Cosgrove-Davies