Re: The Great Canadian Chemical Hunt

Mark Peter (
Tue, 19 Mar 96 16:21 EST

>Just curious: Can't you order chemicals from suppliers in the States? (We
>need the foreign exchange!) Bryant labs, Photographers Formulary, Tri-Ess
>Science, The Science Shop, City Chemical, Artcraft, & no doubt many others
>do mail order business in retail amounts.All listed, I assume, in the FAQ.
>Border problems? Customs? Detective dogs?
Have you ever tried to order cross border? I've found that American
suppliers will "get around to my order" whenever they feel like it!

Also add up the exchange rates....shipping....Possible customs....TIME.....

I've tried to order parts for a mini lab, total cost $16 u.s., the order
desk sent it out three weeks later - Copal is only to blame for that - and
six months to clear customs! I ended up making that same part after waiting
two weeks!
