Re : Computer negs

Jack Fulton (jfulton@itsa.ucsf.EDU)
Wed, 20 Mar 1996 00:01:06 -0800 (PST)

> I'm just about to try using my computer to make an 8 1/2 by 11 neg. on
> overhead sheets. Has anyone tried this before?
> /mark>

Yes ... in my class last Tues. w/a Sony Hi-8, we shot a
Kodak Royal Gold 200 ISO neg under fluorescent lighting using
a piece of typing paper as an opaque blank surface. Captured
it into a Mac Quadra 800 w/a video card in grayscale.
Unsharpmasked it, boosted contrast, lowered brightness and
printed to 'Apollo' transparency stock for laser jets
(available @ Office Depot) and printed through an outdated 300
dpi laser printer onto 24 pound Georgia Pacific paper as a
The student used that to print onto photo paper and
handcolored it w/color retouch dyes from Ilford.
You can see 'non-photographic' glitches, but not many.
A scanned neg printed onto similar stock on a 600 dpi printer
(Apple) either in grayscale or bitmap does better.
Have not used it for cyan, VanDyke or anything else yet.
