Re: amidol

Steve Avery ((no email))
Fri, 22 Mar 1996 11:33:35 +1100

Hi all,
another bounced message (remember - reply to originator).


------- Forwarded Message

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 13:44:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: amidol

A year or two ago I tried a comparison test using Amidol developer and
Dektol with Kodak Eliu
Dektol with Kodak Elite.
Using a 4 x 5, long scale negative I made two prints at the same exposure
and developed one in Dektol and the other in Amidol. Quite frankly, I could
not see any difference in the prints. They were both good prints but no
real difference. I concluded that , in view of the fact that amidol is
very toxic, it was a lot of trouble with no gain. I have never tried
amidol as a negative developer. However, I did run another comparison
between pyro and T-max developer on T-max 400 with very interesting
results. The pyro-developed negs were MUCH sharper and have a longer
tonal range although there was more grain. Thus I frequently use pyro
with T-Max 400 4x5 and 120. Have never tried it with 35mm. Has anyone had
similar experiences?

Bob Schramm

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