Thank you for your information
It sounds as if you are describing emulsion transfer (boiling print etc),
which I have had no problems with at all! Actually, I have been doing
primarily emulsion lifts onto various papers, boards, silver mylar - even
paper bags - and this is what I find so amazing about it.
So the question - are your students trying polaroid emulsion lifts or image
tranfers onto their Docs? hahaha
What a hoot!
>In my class, we've been transferring onto the Arches cold press. Used
>some Strathmore hot press too AND some Fabriano hot press. They all
>worked fine but, personally, I prefer the Arches cold due to the textural
>We follow the instructions pretty much and try to do it in a room in the
>mid 70 F range. Paper is soaked in warm water a bit, sort of dryed and
>the emulsion laid upon it and using a brayer rolled lightly and then a
>roll w/pressure. No problems at all.
>Students have been transferring them to their Doc Martins w/mixed
>results. They've worked on glass jars and unique papers like hand-made
>stuff from the Himalayas with flowers and plants embedded.
>I'd say the problem, could well be in the room's ambient temperature.
>Jack Fulton
> ***The eye is the Pencil of Nurture***