I am by no means THE bromoil expert among the participants on this list.
Bromoil surely is no secret subject. It is quite easily described in
Crawford=B4s "Keepers of light", as most other alternative processes are.
Luis Nadeau has written a book specificly about this process (History
and Practice of Oil and Bromoil Printing), and there should even be a newer
book by David Lewis available. If you should encounter any problems finding
any of these book, try Photo-Eye in Santa Fe.
There is an english publication, called The Alternative Photography Review.
In the few issues published there has been quite a healthy discussion on
oil and bromoil. The first issue of 1996 should deal with inking the print,
but I have not yet received this issue.
Keith Dugdale, editor
Alternative Photography Review
1, Mabbotts Yard, Penzance
Cornwall, TR 18 2 TD
Check out the archives of this list too, there has from time to time been a
lot of discussion about the bromoil proces, especially about the
availability of suitable bromoil paper.
In England, there is even made a (european) VHS video about the bromoil
process, which (in my opinion) is both instructive and entertaining, if you
turn the volume up a bit. The video also includes some technical
information. Available from
Colin Westgate
Eastbourne Photographic Society
2 Marine Parade, Seaford
East Sussex BN25 2PL
Great Britain
I can=B4t describe the bromoil process in a better way than done in these
books. As soon as you overcome the initial problems of obtaining
non-supercoated paper, suitable brushes and ink, the rest is more or less
as in the book. But the results are always improvable. It is said that
bromoil is a difficult process. I don=B4t know, but I have had more trouble
getting any images in gum bichromate.
We are a few members in a local camera club in Norway who learned about and
started with the bromoil process about a year ago. Today at out meetings,
there are usually shown some new images, and our exibitions have contained
quite a few bromoil prints. In the last one, the only photographs sold,
were bromoil prints of local subjects.
I now use Lithographic Black no. 1796 from Graphic Chemical & Ink Co., 728
North Yale Ave. Box 27 Villa Park, IL. 60181, USA, more easily obtainable
in my part of the world from Intaglio Printmaker, 62 Southwark Bridge Road,
London SE1 0AS, Telephone(44) 171 928 2633, fax (44) 171 928 2711.
Good luck - and remember; all problems can be solved.
Per Volledal
Stenfeltbakken 47
N-1405 Langhus