Using the archives...

Steve Avery ((no email))
Fri, 29 Mar 1996 15:03:01 +1100

Hi all,
For those that are not familiar with the workings of the
archives, here's the incantations you need to know.
First up, to get an index of all the materials available via the
archives, use the following command:

index alt-photo-process

It will return a list of files available (which at the moment is the
old, pre-WWW FAQ, and all the digests), and maybe a description.
To get a particular file, use the following command:

get alt-photo-process file-name

where file-name is the name of the file you want. The archives are all
named archive-YYMM, where YYMM is the last two digits of the year,
followed by two digits for the month (preceeding zero if required). So,
the first archive available is archive-9403 for March 1994. All archives
up 'til the last month are generally available, and the new archive
comes online as soon as I remember to do it :-)
You can even search the archives. However, I don't recommand
this option (I may have even disabled it). You're generally better off
getting a copy of all the archives (warning though, that is some four
megabytes compressed), and searching them off-line. This way, you don't
incur the delays involved (listproc requests are generally performed as
a batch job, ie. they may be delayed, and then there are internet
delays, etc).
As always, these requests should be emailed to, and try and keep the subject line blank or
just spaces or something similar, as the listproc rejects some messages
based on their subject line (don't ask me why!).

If you have any problems, drop me some private email.
