Re: alt-photo-process

Luis Nadeau (
Sun, 31 Mar 1996 16:07:23 +0300

>Ready made carbon tissue ? Try carbon copy tissue, that you can get at any
>art supply place. It looks like the old fashioned copy paper for the
>typewriters, but is used to copy drawings onto textiles and porcelain. I am
>sure there will be different producers in different parts of the world.
>Regards, Galina.

I have a strange feeling you have not read this list's FAQ nor its
archives. Or perhaps it is already April 1st in Norway;-)

The original request referred to the carbon transfer process, which uses a
"tissue" better called "pigment paper" as it is not particularly thin, and
consisting of a coating made of about 10% gelatin and a dispersion of a
watercolor pigment, made sensitive to light with a dichromate.

The office supplier variety is not the same

Luis Nadeau