Re: Sudek show
Pollmeier Klaus (
31 Mar 96 15:29:49 EST
The title of the show *Josef Sudek: The Pigment Prints 1947-1954* may be
somewhat misleading, as Sudek called his carbon transfer prints *the pigments*.
Maybe because he related to the german term *Pigmentdruck*, where *druck* means
*print*. I made a similar experience a short time ago when printing some Drtikol
reprints as carbon transfers: Even today the tscheque lenders of the negs spoke
of *pigments* and meant carbon transfer prints. Not too many art historians or
translators know, that a pigment print can be anything from carbon transfer,
carbro, oil, bromoil to gum. In the german version of the catalogue other
samples for bad translation can be found: e. g. the term *carbon tissue* is
translated *Kohlegewebe* , which means *woven fabric of carbon* instead of
*Pigmentpapier* But the illustrations are perfect... ;-)
This Sudek show (at ICP N.Y. from 05/04 to 30/06/96) consists exclusively of
carbon transfer prints and some silver bromides. The still life of bread and an
egg (1950) is shown, too, and at least in this case it definitely is a carbon
transfer print. If you want to see, how great *simple* photography can be, don't
miss this exhibition!
Klaus Pollmeier