Re: Who teases, Manikova or Nadeau?

Galina Manikova (
Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:10:59 +0200

>Luis Nadeau writes:
>> >The original request referred to the carbon transfer process, which uses a
>> >"tissue" better called "pigment paper" as it is not particularly thin, and
>> >consisting of a coating made of about 10% gelatin and a dispersion of a
>> >watercolor pigment, made sensitive to light with a dichromate.
>> >
>> >The office supplier variety is not the same
>> >
>> >
>> >Luis Nadeau
>> It is in fact the first of april in Norway today, but I am afraid that it
>> is you teasing me and not the other way. I am sorry if I have provoked
>You have not prvoked anyone, but your original message was certainly
>a tease. As Luis wrote, the original request was for tissue for the
>carbon transfer process. What you describe is a process quite different