RE: preservation of tintypes

Greg Schmitz (
Mon, 1 Apr 1996 22:58:53 -0500 (EST)

Risa -

If you would like the advise of a conservator you could get a
referral from The American Institute for Conservation of Historic &
Artistic Works (AIC), 1717 K Street, N.W., Suite 301, Washington,
D.C. 20006; Telephone: 202/452-9545, Fax 202/452-9328; email

You might also find information in the CoOL (Conservation Online)
archives maintained by Walter Henry at Stanford; also other
conservation related pointers at this site. The URL for CoOl is:

best of luck
--greg schmitz

From: (Risa S. Horowitz):

> I'm not certain that alt-photo-process is the appropriate venue for
> my following question. I have a customer at the store who has
> noticed that a tintype which he has had for 5 years has begun to show
> obvious signs of oxidization. Can anyone provide me with some basic
> storage information for original tintypes to forward to this
> gentleman, and of any other techniques one may use to prevent further
> deteriorization?
> hehe and hopefully I won't begin a discussion of the potential
> hazards of yet another chemical process :) Material Safety Data Sheets are
> readily available to the inquiring mind, after all!

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