Steve Avery (
Mon, 15 Apr 1996 15:32:33 +1000

Just a reminder...

DON'T START POSTING TO THE LIST YET!!!! Dick jumped the gun (he's
forgiven - I knew someone would). Please DO NOT FOLLOW HIS LEAD.

I am in a precarious situation with the site I am using to run the
listproc - there are over two thousand users of this site, so you can
imagine the sysadmin have a short fuse. It is being run as a favour, and
I do not want to cause my friend any undue discomfort for doing so. If
such an event occurs, then the plug will be pulled on the list, and I'll
have to try and find somewhere else to run it (and someone to do so, as
this is my last shot).
Please restrain yourselves for just a few more days. The exceptions are
Judy, Luis, and Terry, who I want to post so I can check things work.
They appear to work - but a lot of people's addresses are stale, and I
need to kill them off before traffic starts up again (so far, 9 have
been killed off).

Please folks, be patient for a day or two, and then you can post to
your heart's delight.
