Pollmeier Klaus (100561.2417@CompuServe.COM)
18 Apr 96 15:43:35 EDT

After Guilleminot had closed, a silver chloride gelatin printing-out paper was
not available for some time. Doug Munson from Chicago Albumen Works, P.O. Box
805, Housatonic, MA 01236, USA, Tel: 413 2746901, fax 2746934, now has presented
his new CENTENNIAL DW paper. It is a double weight silver chloride printing-out
paper and manufactured (but not sold) by Kentmere in Great Britain. In Europe it
is available through the *National Restauratie Atelier*, Hans de Herder, Witte
de Withstraat 63, NL-3012 BN Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Tel.: +31-10-2331696,
Fax +31-10-2331965. Germans may contact me offlist for a german supplier.

Klaus Pollmeier