Re: Mylar as base for carbon tissue
Hans Nohlberg (
Sun, 21 Apr 1996 23:19:28 +0200
Hi Sandy,
>When I coated on Mylar
Coated? (For intstance anti newton)
>a couple of years ago it was during the summer
>and the humidity in my lab was a bit higher than it is right now. However,
>with the recent failed coating the humidity was not particulary low,
>certainly no lower than 55%.
Should not be any problems with 55%
>I use both glycerine
Not necessary
>and sugar
How much?
>in my pigmented/gelatin solution
How much? And the thickness?
> and was wondering if perhaps the former might
>not contribute to the problem. I may have also caused the
>problem by leaving the coated tissues on drying racks for several
>days before putting them away.
Probably the "peel off"-reason
When we started with Mylar base we made several trials with different
amount of gelatin/sugar and some of them peeled off at once and some stayed
on the base. We also varied the thickness of the gelatin layer as well as
the thickness of the Mylar.
Best regards, Hans & Chia
BTW. Did you solve your color balance problems some months ago?