From: TERRY KING, 101522,2625
TO: altlistproc,
DATE: 18/04/96 17:59
RE: Copy of: Re:Photogravure
Lasse and David
Lasse said that he uses toners and asphaltum as the ground for an aquatint for
hand gravure and David says that he uses a screen instead.
I have found that resin works very well using a dusting box to give the
Being a bit of a purist, in this area at least, I prefer to use an aquatint. I
have found that with very careful control of the etch, ie the timiing of the
etch in the baths of differing specific gravities, it is possible to obtain a
print from a positive with a density of more than twice that recognised as being
the desireable norm without crevee or foul biting but with good gradation across
the density range.
The plates when polished after removal from the etch look a bit like a
daguerreotype. In fact one is reluctant to spread ink all over them.
The ink spreads very easily as the whole plate is smooth.
When I first started in gravure I remember reading that it would be naive to
believe that one could obtain prints compaprable to a platinum print. I took
that as being a good place to start.
I am running a week long workshop in London at the end of July on hand
photogravure at a cost of only L85 if anyone is interested. Everyone on the
workshop last year got good prints.
Terry King