Re: Copy of: Re: Jose Ortiz E.

Luis Nadeau (
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 11:48:51 -0300

>Henk and Sandy
>Herbert Jones who lives in Catford in SouthEast London has numbers of Echargue'
>Fresson' prints and books of fresson prints by Echargue which were given to him
>by Echargue himself. He also has some of the finest Frederick Evans platinum
>There is a photograph of the sieve cum riddle cum loom that he used to agitate
>the sawdust in the making of the prints with Echargue at the controls looking
>younger than a sixties date would imply. In fact Echargue used his own version
>of the Artigue process.

No he didn't. Unless you mean, in a general sense, the direct carbon
*class* of processes. Plenty of processes fall under that category. I
researched as many of those as I could in the patent and technical
literature and a summary can be found in my gum book, which has, as part of
its title "...and other Direct Carbon Processes from Artigue to Zimmerman".

>My friend is now in his late eighties. If anyone has any specific questions I
>can pass on the address separately.

I sure would like his address sent to my new mailing address:

Luis Nadeau
P.O. Box 221, Stn. "A"
Fredericton, N.B.
Canada E3B 4Y9