Re: Gum prints with the enlarger

Risa S. Horowitz (
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 01:54:12 -0400

Well, thank you for the kind (and sharing) offer!
I'd be very interested in viewing your photos. please email me personally to
arrange this.
Sounds great!
once again, thank you
Risa S. Horowitz

>I have been using an modified enlarger for the past 10 to 12 years.
>Is is a Durst J606 enlarger equipped with a 300 watt halogen light source
>which requires a 5 to 90 minutes exposure time depending upon the
>negative's density range and the extent of the enlargement. I had
>combined the light source and condensers from a B&H slide projector into
>the Durst enlarger head (with 50mm f2.8) and added a cooling fan remotely
>mounted with the cooling air fed through a flexible duct.
>I have used it for extensive experimenting and find it reasonably sharp
>though I feel that contact printing gives superior results.
>If anyone is interested in building a copy, I will forward photos that
>should be helpful.
>Art Chakalis
>Columbus, Ohio, USA