> On Fri, 26 Apr 1996, Pekka Nikrus wrote:
> >
> > I used the cyanotype formula from Keepers of Light a bit modified
> > (somewhat more chemistry/water). The lead acetate solution was about 5%
> > and I used it warmed up to about 40 degrees centigrade. This turned my
> > cyanotypes deep blue, beautiful ultramarine.
> That is so weird. Did you check it a week later? (My "selenium-toned"
> cyanotype is back to absolutely the way it began.) If so, guess I'll try
> it again.
Yes, I've been checking on my pictures now for a year and a half and they
haven't changed.
> > The paper used was Arches Aquarelle 300g, Ph neutral.
> Or maybe it was the paper.
> Judy
Maybe it is the water?
http://www.polycon.fi/ART/pekka/ DEPARTMENT OF PHOTOGRAPHY
"Everybody's searching for something they say, I get my kicks on the way"