One source in the United States is Amersham in Arlington Heights,
illinois. Phone number is 216-831-7284, or 800-323-9750. They sell
a 175 bloom gelatin distributed by the U.S. Biochemical Corporation,
also a 300 bloom gelatin. Both are available in l lb bottles or
in 5 lb containers at a reasonable price. The 175 bloom gelatin
works well for me with both carbon and carbro.
Sandy King
> >===for PGP Key finger Greg Schmitz <>===
> :: ::
> Key fingerprint = 73 D3 91 15 96 69 74 E5 14 51 71 44 C8 ED 01 11
> Key ID: A7026B1D Key Size: 1024 bits Created: 1994/11/10
> ==================================================================<