Re: Liquid Light

Peter Marshall (
Wed, 1 May 96 07:32 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <v01520d01adaaebb7f804@>

> I have followed the discussion on how to apply and use Liquid Light
> emulsion from Rockland colloid corp.
> Forgive my stupid question, but why does one have to get Liquid Light
> made, when you can mix something similar yourself ? Does anyone know the
> formula from Rockland and the secret of that particular formula ? Galina.
> (
You can mix a similar material yourself, though it is rather tedious. Even
better you can buy a much improved version from Kentmere under various names
such as SE1 from Silverprint in the UK.

If you can get hold of a copy of the recently published:

Silver Gelatin - A user's guide to Liquid Photographic Emulsions, Martin
Reed & Sarah Jones, Working Books, 1995 isbn 0-924346-1-X it gives details
on available emulsions, how to use them and making your own. As well as some
excellent reproductions of the use of these materials by various people.

If no one else does so, I'll give some more details of emulsion making later
- no time now.

Peter Marshall

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