Re: Step Tablets

Judy Seigel (
Wed, 1 May 1996 16:13:10 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 2 May 1996, Clyde Soles wrote:

> Next question: I am not enamoured with spending $50 on a Kodak step tablet for

Stouffer Industries Inc, 1801 Commerce Dr., South Bend Indiana 46628,
phone 219/234-5023, fax 232-7989, sells a 21-step tablet with the
numbers on it (tho not calibrated) for $5.50 each. I buy in quantity on
school letterhead for large discount. In fact I work with a couple of
dozen at a time -- make a couple of dozen tests at once. It's handy for
silver work, but whoever attempts "non-silver" without a 21 step would do
better with a ouija board.

And to Jack Fulton: Yes, you need a different "dedicated" negative for
each process, more precisely for each process-paper combination. Get
some 21-steps, print them in the process you're using and see how the
numbers look. Then make your negatives to suit.

To read the negatives, if you don't have a densitometer, punch holes in 2
white cards, place 21-step and your test strip on light table, place
hole of one card over the part you want to read, run the other card with hole
down the 21-step til you catch same value. I wrote this in greater
detail before..... Check the archive.
