Re: poly or graded paper negs.

John Rudiak (
Sat, 4 May 1996 15:35:42 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 3 May 1996, Robert wrote:

> As we know polycontrast paper is affected by the color of the light to which
> it exposed. OK, what about in camera use? Would I be "better" off using
> graded or poly as my shooting material? Seems like the color of the
> outdoor scene, time of day (color temp) would be introducing a contrast
> control variable. I prefer RC paper for this because of less fiber texture
> introduced into the neg., I believe it would give me a greater Dmax,
> and a little extra speed. Graded RC paper w/o the manufacturers name on the
> is geating harder to find. !! x 14" veiw camera with lenscap as the shutter.
> Graded Rc vs Poly RC in camera?
> I very much enjoy this list and the knowledgeable people that I have met !!
> Robert

Robert, does the fact that the paper is orthochromatic bother you? What
about using Panalure, which I believe is available in a few contrast
grades and is panchromatic as well as being RC?