¿Que tal, Juan Carlos?
If you want something you can read in Spanish, I´ve found a little book (about 100 pages, 8
images)which is being useful to me as a first book. Thanks to it I expect to start cyanotyping in
one or two weeks, now that I have at last all that I need.
The book is:
Manual de Tecnicas Fotograficas del S. XIX
Cristina Zelich
Arte y Proyectos Editoriales, S.L., 1.995
ISBN 84-86620-08-2
At the end of this book you can find around 60 bibliographic references, if you need any more.
I also liked the book by Fontcuberta that Daniel Silva refers to.
Hope this helps
Guillermo Abadía Cenoz
C/. Mariano García, 1 - 3º Izda.
31005 Pamplona (Navarra)