Re: Coating and lights

David Morrish (
Thu, 9 May 1996 09:18:23 -0230 (NDT)

On Thu, 9 May 1996, John Rudiak wrote:

> On Thu, 9 May 1996, Risa S. Horowitz wrote:
> > I use a yellow bug light for cyano gum and vandyke. Judy, is the bug light
> > ok for other historical processes? What exceptions may there be?
> >
> >
>........ ordinary white incandescents are completely safe and do not fog
> the paper at all, in fact I have a 60 watt bulb in a reflector two feet
> above my coating table which remains on for the duration of my coating.
> There just doesn't seem to be enough UV in the excitable region to affect
> the paper.
> John
I may be wrong, but wasn't there something I read about the sensitizers
(especially gum) which *become* light sensitive when dry and are much
less so when wet?
Dave Morrish