Film is dying?

Philippe MOROUX (
Mon, 13 May 96 20:02:13 UT

In Paris I heard Luis, saying in an accurate Canadian French that graphic film
had a short future. He is right I think. Guilleminot went banquerupt 2 years
ago, who's next? Agfa?
A good alternative is the use of paper negative. This is a very well known
Unless you shoot black and white diapositives you will have to make a positive
on paper and then contact it to make the final negative. Make it transparent
with paraffine oil etc...

Has anybody tried to shortcut this technique by performing a reversal
development? It works fine for film and paper.

1 Mirror you negative in the enlarger.
2 Print quite dark on the final format paper.
3 Develop in a strong paper developer.
4 Wash.
5 Bleach in a 9g Potassium Dichromate/ 10ml Sulfuric Acid for 1 litre water
6 Wash.
7 Clear in a 50g Sodium Sulfite for 1 litre water bath.
8 Wash.
9 Re-expose to tungsten light (2 sides of the film).
10 Re-develop in a strong paper developer.
11 Wash.
12 Fix.
13 Wash.

Don't forget your protection gloves, especially by phase 5.


Philippe Moroux