Re: tube tech
Wed, 15 May 1996 21:20:28 -0400

Hi Judy,

>Would the time it takes to pour developer out and stopbath in be a
>problem with very short development times (about 2 min for goosey lith, 3
>min for N31P)? Of course it would! Any other comments?

I used to use drums for 16x20 ciba processing, with 3 min dev times, no
problem. Ciba is a relatively high-contrast material, so your film might
work just as well. However, it becomes very important to pre-soak with
water to avoid developer streaks. This will cause an increase in developing
time... You'll also need to time how long it takes to tip the drum up and
fill the end cup with stop while the dev is draining, and consider it part of
your dev time. (If I remember correctly, I standardized on 15 sec.)

Good Luck!
P.S. Any luck yet with the Strand varnish formula?