Machine Coated Pt/Pd

Kerik Kouklis (
22 May 96 09:00:10 PDT

> blanket. The process gives a reasonably consistent high quality product at much
> less expense than is incurred in the labour intensive manufacyure of hand made
> papers.

I think we got off track here. I understood the original post to be
in regards to machine COATED paper. i.e. the platinum/palladium
paper made by the Palladio Company. I agree that this is a very nice
material to work with. However, I do love the "hands-on" approach to
coating my own. The folks that run the Palladio Company are truly
nice people who believe deeply in their product. It is more
expensive than coating your own, but every sheet is PERFECT (I know,
a subjective term...). And if you run across a sheet or a batch that
is defective they replace it without complaint.
