Re: Your opinion please

Mike Robinson and Janine Kissner (
Tue, 28 May 1996 23:46:09 +0100

I am in the process of making an albumen print. So far,
>the sandwich has been under the UV light for over 1 hour. Sometime
>before I go to be, I hope it finishes.
> Thank you Diane for your efforts! If there are experienced
>albumen printers out there, I would certainly love to hear from you on
>such mundane matters as whether Reilly is correct that UV flourescents
>are too weak, etc. TIA. Jim

Jim, I have been making albumen prints for a few years now. I dont ever
recall print exposures longer than 1 hour. I have used three different
light sources.
The first was an arc welder like machine that used "photo grade"
electrodes. It was a ghastly thing. The print was placed about two feet
away from the front of the machine and required about 10 to 15 minutes of
exposure. Next I used the UV light source from the palladio company. Its
like an 11 X 14 box with a bank of flourescent tubes. I believe they were
BL tubes. The light was very purplish blue. Exposure times were about 12
to 20 minutes. The third light was summer sun. As I recall exposures were
about 10 minutes. Look for the bronzing effect on the borders of the
print. When this just starts to occur print is done. (assuming a good
The most consistent unit was the palladio uv source. However, Its much
more enjoyable to sit in the backyard with a good book and a cold beer and
watch your print print out.

Toronto, Canada