Re: Clearing chromium (was Quoting Paul Anderson)

Peter charles fredrick (
Fri, 31 May 96 10:32:23 +1000

dear Philip
>Judy's comments on pigment stain in gum remind me of an earlier discussion
regarding different chemicals for clearing chromium stains. I vaguely
remember sodium bisulphite and potassium metabisulfite being suggested at
the time, but recently came across a new candidate that might be worth
considering. It comes from a dichromated gelatin hologram article by Jeff
Blyth (Applied Optics, 30 (1991) 1602) and consists of a 1% solution of
sodium dithionite<

Interesting, but there is very simple solution to this problem I have used
a one (1) % solution of sulphuric acid .to solve this situation, if you
look at the classic bromoil bleach you can see how this works,
