Re: posting company names

Steve Avery (
Mon, 03 Jun 1996 13:23:15 +1000

Robert wrote:
> Just wanted to put in my two cents worth... Pradip Malde posted on
> Friday the name of a chemical supply company for alt Photo chemicals.
> He apologised if he was doing a no-no.
> I appreciate hearing about any resources for chemicals, paper, books
> etc. Finding stuff is one of the hard parts of alt-photo. Thanks
> Pradip.
> Robert

To be fair, Pradip did the right thing and asked me first (as to
whether it was inappropriate to make the post). I said it was fine. I
think Pradip was just making sure he wasn't going to get flamed :-)

If anyone else has sources, feel free to post. Just make it short and
to the point. You might also consider contacting Gord Holtslander
( direct, so he can add it to the WWW FAQ.

If you have any financial connection with the supplier, please state
that in the message. This prevents any flaming if someone gets their
nose out of joint.
