RE: School of photography in Prague

Ginger Sheridan 6145934280 (
Mon, 03 Jun 1996 14:46:38 -0400 (EDT)


I think I am the person you are remembering, but the facts are a little
different. There is a school of photography in Prague. It is called FAMU - which
stands for the Film and Photography School. It has an international reputation,
especially in Europe. Many students from Western Europe opt to go there because
it cost less to live there than Western Europe.
Anyway, I did not teach there, though I have taught some of the teachers
from there. In the summer of 1994 I did a set of Alternative Processes Workshops
there (Partially supported by Bostick and Sullivan) for faculty, students and
community members in Prague. The photographers there have done little in the way
of alternative processes, though their work (sort of abstract New Vision) seems
to lend itself to the various media.
I also taught in Prage last Spring for Ohio University (Spring Quarter).
If all goes well, I will return again next Spring to do the same, as well as do
an artist residency in Uste (a small college an hour north of Prague).
The Prague House of Photography (representing the major Male Czech and
Slovak photographers - and I do not say this in spite, just fact, not one female
photographer is represented, though the curator is female) has its own Web Page.
I can look it up for you if you want. Any other questions you have, feel free to
write back and ask. I will leave June 12 for London, so I will not answer mail
again until July 15 or so. But, I'll be here before then.

Good luck,

Ginger Sheridan


Ginger Sheridan
516 Seigfred Hall 614.593.4280
Ohio University fax 614.593.0457
Athens, OH 45701
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Michelle Leisure