Re: Indexed subject lines <was Re: Mortensen Kitsch-A-tone>

Jim Spiri (
Fri, 7 Jun 1996 20:58:29 -0700 (PDT)

At 06:02 PM 6/7/96 +1000, you wrote:
>Might I suggest that we try to use the same subject line that has been
>established for a thread rather than a new one, albeit only slightly
>modified. Many newreaders (like the two I use) group like subject
>lines together, thus a thread with a modified subject line starts a
>new thread which is not grouped with the original thread despite the
>subject content being similar. I suspect this might also be the case
>for the webpage that Steve Avery is setting up.
>-greg schmitz

thanks for the tip Greg, i see the problem. A related problem, though, is
when a thread diverges from its original subject to the point that the
subject header makes no sense. Happens on this list all the time. I delete
posts cuz the subject header is of no interest, now and then check one,
sometimes find the thread has become interesting (to me)... I subscribe to
too many groups (i'm interested in many different things) to read every
message, so i count on the subject header to tell me what to read. I changed
the subject header to reflect that shift (leaving the Mortensen). I was not
discussing his technique, but his esthetics. What to do?

Plywood and Rhetoric
graphic design from both sides of the brain
"Momma DID raise a fool"