Re: physiology vs. sensitometry

Kevin Crombie (
Sat, 8 Jun 1996 11:44:34 -0400

At 12:03 AM 08/06/96, Jonathon Russell wrote:
>Risa S. Horowitz wrote:
>> Please, pardon my nitpicking, but Alexander Graham Bell was Canadian :)
>> cheers
>Nay Lassie, We say that Alexander Graham Bell was of Scottish descent.
>Regards ;^)

Actually, Bell was born in Edinburgh in 1847, emmigrating to Canada with
his parents in 1870. By the mid-1870s he had moved to Boston, returning to
spend summers with his family in Brantford, Ontario. After the invention of
the telephone, and the founding of the Bell Telephone Company, he returned
to Canada in 1890, buying a large piece of land near Baddeck, Nova Scotia
and building a huge summer house, which still belongs to the family. There
he continued to work and invent (airplanes, the hydrofoil) until his death
in 1922.

So, like many important Canadians of the 19th century, he was actually born
a Scot and made his money in the U.S.

(I knew that degree in Canadian History would come in hand some day....)

Kevin Crombie e-mail:
387 rue Villeneuve est voice: (514) 849-7601
Montreal, P.Q. H2T 1M1