Bernard said
"This suggested to
me that the stain will continue to clear even though covered by another coat.
Given this I started printing my gums by exposing for the highlights first.
And even though the color and density of the first coats are too dark and
muddy with each subsequent wash they will lighten. As the last coat is the
"shadow" coat usually black a little staining doesn't seem to hurt at all.
As I often know when starting that a print will be a least 8 to 10 coats I
very seldom wash a properly exposed print beyond 2 hours for the first few
coats. "
Although I do not use as many coats as Bernard, I find that three or four are
sufficient to give a wide range of tone with subtle gradation, I do start with
the highlights and work towards the shadows. There is no need to wash between
coats. Wait until you have completed all your exposures before washing and it
will still clear beautifully.
Terry King