Re: physiology vs. sensitometry

Kerik Kouklis (
11 Jun 96 10:59:08 PDT

In reference to Judy's statement l said:

"I think I will print this out and post it on the wall of my darkroom.
Or, better yet, on the walls of all the darkrooms at schools and
universities that teach photography..."

Terry said:

"Are you suggesting that students should not understand what
they are doing, and that they should not have the creative choice
to use the medium as they wish, which technical competence
would give them."

Gee, Terry, this is EXACTLY what I am saying... You read between the
lines so well. Duhhhhh.....

The point is that many photography students (led by misguided photography
teachers) get so involved in the technical aspects of photography and
print making that technical proficiency becomes the end, rather than
the means to an end. Certainly, technical understanding of the
process and the ability to execute the process well are invaluable
tools for accompishing great work. I would never suggest that
students should not understand what they are doing. I would argue
that overemphasis on the technical aspects results in students that
make perfect prints from perfect negatives of images made while
they didn't know what they were doing.

But, by all means, continue tap dancing if that is your preference.
