Re: Copy of: Re: physiology vs. sensitometry

Beakman (
Wed, 12 Jun 1996 17:56:17 -0700 (PDT)

> In-Reply-To: <960609170950_101522.2625_IHK123-3@CompuServe.COM>
> << So why all the agony ? >>
> No agony from me at all Terry - all on your side I think.
> You are deliberately missing the points here?
> 1. The zone system is applicable to any process.
> 2. A silver gelatine print can cope with any range that a silver gelatin neg
> can record!

I don't know that I believe this. With commercially available gelatine
silver paper the exopsure ranges for various grades of paper are as follows:

Maximum negative density
that may be fully printed
Paper Grade (i.e. full black to full white)

5 0.50 - 0.64

4 0.65 - 0.79

3 0.80 - 0.94

2 0.95 - 1.14

1 1.15 - 1.40

0 1.40 - 1.70

Now this does not include grade 00 which someone mentioned -- I have no
information on that, though judging from the trend indicated from the
table above, I would guess (no, I don't know for sure, and I could be
wrong) that it would not be capable of handling a negative with a 3.00
density range. Also, this table only pertains to commercial papers, so I
can speak for any homebrew gelatine silver papers.

David, the obstinate. :)