>Does anyone know how I can get hold of a rather wonderful Japanese paper
>(designed for ink + brush painting) called either "Gambi" or "Gampi"? Is
>there a known UK supplier?
I have before me a catalog from John Purcell Paper of London in which there
are several varieties of Gampi listed, 2 or 3 of which appear to be suitable
for printmaking (the others are exceedingly thin e.g. 12-16 gsm). Gampi
Vellum, 51 x 76 cm, 92 gsm is 135 pounds for 25 sheets. They do not list a
single sheet price. The address is:
John Purcell Paper
15 Rumsey Road
London SW9 0TR
Tel: 0171-737 5199
Fax: 0171-737 6765
The person there who I have dealt with is Jeremy Youngs.
On another note with regards to paper, in her book "Which Paper?" Silvie
Turner writes of Fabriano Perusia that it was "discontinued by the mill for
general markets and is now being made especially for New York Central Art
Supply Inc." Can anyone out there verify this? Judy (or any of you other New
Yorkers) - do you have a phone # for NYCAS?
Best wishes,
Keith Schreiber