Bièvres, une charmante petite ville
Gayster Alain (
Sat, 15 Jun 1996 19:45:31 +0200 (MET DST)
I forgot to speak of the "Foire à la photo" in Bièvres, the first sunday of
June, as every year. How happy we have been ; it did not rain ;-). Many
people came to sale or to buy ancient and new cameras.
Some stalls are reserved to people or associations saling photos or wanting
to promote their activities. Several were dealing with alternatives
processes. Both the two French associations (APA and Hélios) were present.
Two members of both associations, Jean-Daniel Lemoine and Pierre-Louis
Martin presented their work in their own stalls.
At Hélios stall, we developed our mind with French wine, but the work was
still going on. We insolated and processed gums and cyanotypes to
demonstrate our techniques to the public. Some people, knowing only the
sensitivity of silver salts were astonished to see that one can make
pictures with glue, or metals other than Ag. Discussions were interesting.
In fact, lots of people heard of alternative processes. Some tested them,
generally gum. We met a man dealing with Niepce's process.
Really, we'd a good time.
If you would like to participate or to reserve a stall for the next year,
please contact:
Photo-Club du Val de Bièvre
28 ter rue Gassendi
F-75014 PARIS (France)
Tél: 33 1 43 22 11 72
See you next year at BIEVRES in your stall (or in our HELIOS stall)?
Alain Gayster (16 1) 43 47 38 91à Paris (France)