Re: physiology vs. sensitometry
Sandy Vrooman (
Sat, 15 Jun 1996 16:44:00 -0700
> Terry wrote [in part]:
>>... to infer that someone who wishes to achieve the best technically has no
>>creative ability or even intent is illogical...
>very good. the "dean of students" [don't remember his name, think that was
>his title] at San Francisco Art Institute said to me "If you were a better
>photographer, you wouldn't need to make such beautiful prints." The
>implication, which the context of the conversation bore out, being that all
>technically skilled photography sucked.
This goes both ways. If you have an excellent subject, interestingly lit,
you can still have your photo bounced if you have say, spots. Even if the
spots do not interfere with the composition and can only be seen if you
really look. The technical and the artistic are both necessary.