Re: physiology vs. sensitometry

Pascal Miele (
Mon, 17 Jun 1996 09:50:08 +0000

Jim Spiri wrote

> ... The only
>photographer i can think of whose work loses nothing in reproduction (or
>gains nothing in original) is Cartier-Bresson. (I like it.)

I agree with you for original Vs reproduction.

BUT even with HCB original is the best, with a big problem: what is an
original ?
an exhibition print is an original, but a "press" print is not: soft with
low Dmax, a bad original for a good reproduction.
Last but not least, the 1990 HCB prints are better than 1950 ! it's not my
but for the printer new papers (multigrade) allow better prints.

> i found the general attitude to
>be more restrictive and proscriptive than i gather the old French Academy was.

Pascal MIELE
8 Place Pierre et Marie CURIE