Re: Van Dyke- Increasing contrast

Jack Fulton (jfulton@itsa.ucsf.EDU)
Wed, 19 Jun 1996 07:29:48 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 18 Jun 1996, Richard Sullivan wrote:

> Mercury! Bleach print in 5 gms mercuric chloride,
> .5 gms pot bromide (That's 1/2gm)
> 1000 mls water.

To my knowledge, Mercuric Chloride is potentially VERY dangerous, and,
like other bothersome chemicals (formaldehyde) probably shouldn't be used
by most of us unless properly protected to the 'nth degree.
There was an intensifier in the late 60's or early 70's called Victor's
Intensifier which used Mercuric Chloride and it was taken from the market
due it's toxic properties.
It really did a swell job of intensifying a thin neg. Turned it a sort of
yellowish. I used it for toning prints and when placed in direct sunlight
turned them from the yellow to a chocolate (luscious) brown.
I suppose I would still use it now with gloves, aerator mask, oil cloth
apron, ventilation, etc.
***The eye is the Pencil of Nurture***