Re: Van Dyke Contrast

Risa S. Horowitz (
Wed, 19 Jun 1996 23:04:33 -0400

>Also, I *strongly* advise against giving only a 20-second first rinse as
>someone has suggested. As I understand VDB, this would risk leaving
>residual iron, which would degrade your print sooner or later (probably

Hi judy and all

how long do you give for VD first rinse? I made a comparison once between no
rinse and two minutes rinse, and the difference in the contrast of my prints
after put thru the S.Thiosulfite was HUGE. I hadn't understood till then how
flat the residues would keep the prints if not rinsed first.

About the process below, how long is too long for the print in the sun. Does
the printing out after bleaching stop at some point???

>Bleach a b&w print with a bichromate and hydrochloric acid bleach (lab
>manuals should have a few formulas). Wash, dry. Expose in sunlight. Image
>will print out a nice brown color, depending on paper. As I understand it,
>you now have a silver chloride print -- or a semi. It may take a few days
>or a week. I did this through the window. No need to leave the print in
>the camelia bush.