Re: Van Dyke- Increasing contrast

Jack Fulton (jfulton@itsa.ucsf.EDU)
Thu, 20 Jun 1996 08:09:24 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 20 Jun 1996, Carson Graves x1507 3NE wrote:

> > To my knowledge, Mercuric Chloride is potentially VERY dangerous, and,
> > like other bothersome chemicals (formaldehyde) probably shouldn't be used
> Are you sure about the mercury? I remember Victor's Chromium
> Intensifer, which was sold by Kodak and available at least until the
> late 70's. It too was withdrawn from the market. I don't recall a
> Carson

Carson ... Hmmm, Maybe you are correct. It was Victor's and
perhaps it was a chromium intensifier BUT my memory (fading as it ages)
recalls that it went off the market due it's toxic properties ... wherein
I remember the mercuric chloride ... than the ability to intensify negs.

A bit off the subject, but since I was using variable contrast paper, the
yellow onthe neg seemed to subdue smeofteapcts of heightendcontrast on an
intensified neg. Also tried pyro developers that did something similar.

But, I'll check into the Victors info ... would no really like to know.
***The eye is the Pencil of Nurture***