"Is this book you're quoting English? The English have invented all kinds
of problems with gum arabic to promote a local product made out of boiled
beef bones called "Gloy." I will add (in case anyone is listening for a
change, by mistake) that I have tested Gloy *extensively* and in
*****NO****** case found it superior to gum arabic, in only a few cases
equal. If you import it, Richard ...... lots of luck. (Terry is wrong.)"
I have tested gum against Gloy on thirty six step step wedges and the Gloy
performed far more consistently in tests and makes gum print ing making a far
more consistently successful operation. You said that you liked the prints made
that way Judy, but, again you probably did not wish to offend. If, however, you
are seeking the acme and perfection and are prepared to accept failures then the
very very best results come from long exposures with gum arabic and potassium
dichromate and paper negatives. But Judy, who is stuck in the auto guidance
system of auto development, would probably find that precious.
As to Gloy, we learned our lesson in the Indian Mutiny in 1856, that it is not a
good idea to make cartridges using both cow and pig fat, so we and the Germans
make Gloy from PVA.
As to lithographer's gum much of it may well be fish glue; Le Page's is for
example. But gum arabic is readily available in many forms from many suppliers.
Terry King
We are all Europeans now !
The impossible takes until Tuesday.