Re: Deionised ossein

Judy Seigel (
Tue, 25 Jun 1996 01:25:00 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 24 Jun 1996, TERRY KING wrote:
>> "But the question you didn't answer: Since it's going into tap water for
>> the development anyway, why use purified to make the gelatine? Is
>>deionized so pure it goes into shock when exposed to vulgar reality? "
> Because the chlorine in the tap water, put there to keep us pure, will react
> with the salts in the sensitisers. Add tap water to silver nitrate and the
> liquid turns milky with silver chloride.

Terry, notice how nicely this works. One can register the original
question, your reply, and now what additional remarks I make -- all at a
glance. Please!!!

As I said, since it's going into tap water anyway, for the development,
don't the salts react with the sensitizers then? You develop in distilled?

I'll add, BTW, that I did the entire rigamarole over the weekend -- with
the warmed plate (whatever that was for -- an anorak? why not just dip
brush into the beaker with the gelatine in it?) and the distilled
water, the whole 9 yards, & it came out worse than with tap water, in fact
didn't clear at all. Hardly cleared even with no exposure! Of course the
weather got worse too, but I suspect not that much worse.
