Re: Frederick Evan
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 07:48:49 -0400

I'm reposting this per Steve's post on list weirdness and missing messages:


Kerik Kouklis queried:
>>Can anyone recommend a good book about Frederick Evans, both in
>>terms of his biography as well as reasonable reproductions of his

Here are some titles to start with:

NEWHALL, Beaumont. _Frederick Evans_. George Eastman House, 1964.

NEWHALL, Beaumont. _Frederick Evans_. APERATURE Monograph, 1973.

HAMMOND, Anne. _Frederick Evans: Selected text and bibliography_. CLIO
Press, 1992.

BINNEY, Marcus. _The Chateaux of France: Photographs of Frederick Evans
1906-1907_. Michelin House, 1994.

JAY, Bill and Margaret Moore. _Bernard Shaw on Photography_. Gibbs Smith,
Pulisher, 1989. (Quite a bit on Evans in this book.)

The most comprehensive bio is in Newhall, and Hammond's has essays *by*
Evans that are quite interesting.

As far as "reasonable reproductions"...none of them really do his work
justice, though the APERATURE Monograph reproductions are quite good.
Platinum prints are among the most demanding for faithful reproduction.

If you have accesss to a *good* library he also wrote quite a few articles
for the turn of the century photography journals.

- Rod