Re: Rodinal and reversal film dev

Mike Robinson and Janine Kissner (
Sat, 29 Jun 1996 12:42:41 -0500

Just to clarify the discussion a little more

Judy said:

<Nope, sounds like continuous tone -- more's the miracle. I thought random
dot because Rodinal supposedly is very grainy & lith (or the lith I've
used) gets grainy in contone too -- so either the Fujilith is different
or Rodinal is magic with lith. (I've also tried Bromophen, HC110 at many
dilutions and various other home brews with lith, none of which worked

Remember, the original negs I'm using are 5 X 7 developed in ABC Pyro. At
2X magnification my results are virtually grainless. Rodinal is a "high
acutance" developer with very little silver solvent (used to smooth out the
appearance of grain). I'm sure that if you are making enlargements from
smaller format negatives, ie. 35 mm tri-x. using Rodinol would really show
the grain structure! I empathise with your situation. On the other hand,
I imagine that gum prints would work quite well with a grainy negative?
(White limo notwithstanding)

Have you tried D23? The high sulfite content and low contrast character of
this developer could perhaps help. If you have, what can you tell me about
those results.

Mike Robinson