You said
>With regard to your penultimate point:- addition of chrome alum. I have
>not come across this, in this context before. Does it's addition make
>the areas of untanned gelatine less fragile when wet? One problem that I
>have encountered is that these areas are easily damaged by the brush.
Exactly. That is why I add the alum or Chromium potassium sulphate dodecahydrate
98% Cat No 24,336-1 in the Aldrich catalogue.
>, it is easy to go up a blind alley
>when one works on these alternative processes in isolation.
That is one of the reasons why this list is such a wonder.
Are they still doing alt processes at the Art School in Gloucester for it was
there that I discovered Gloy when there was no gum 'to be had not even for ready
Gloucester UK