Re: Eau

Gayster Alain (
Thu, 11 Jul 1996 00:19:03 +0200 (MET DST)

>Francais !
>Somebody in France, I am afraid that I have lost the posting, asked where he
>would be able to find equipment to make purified water.
>Gaia, the health food shop, on the corner by St Margarets Station, have now
>found the address of the manufacyureres of their equipment :
> Q Source Aquathin
> tel 01932 350 730.
>I hope that this information is still of use.
>Terry King
C'est possible, mais notre H2O donne un bon cafee. Chez vous, on a un tres
bon tea (a part les tea-bags qui sont affreux) :-)

Un amateur de tea & de cafee

Alain Gayster (16 1) 43 47 38 91à Paris (France)