>Our pint (473 ml) of liquid gum arabic contains 227 grams of dry gum =
arabic, or 48% or 14 baume.
On Thu, 11 Jul 1996, Jeff Stanford wrote:
> Water is indeed 0 degrees Baum=3DE9
> Kristall Gummi 21.5 degrees (strange smelling stuff that never worked)
> Schmincke 20 degrees (very thick)
> Winsor Newton 16 degrees (very good but expensive)
> RBP Chemical Corp. 14 degrees (from Milwaukee, the best I ever used)
> Formulry 13 degrees (bit on the thin side but usable)
> Rembrant Graphic Arts 12.5 degrees (from New Jersey, too thin for me)
So, with this information, if I wanted to mix a (Winsor Newton) 16 =
Baume, how can I figure out the additional grams of dry gum arabic =
for that solution? And show your work :)
Macy Garcia